Gynaecomastia is the development of male breast tissue. It can be seen in the newborn infant as a consequence of the effects of the mother’s hormones that have crossed the placenta. Some babies may even produce milk from their nipples, previously known as ‘witch’s milk’, but this requires no treatment, apart from reassurance.
When the adolescent male reaches puberty, which is associated with the development of body and facial hair and enlargement of the penis and testes, there may also be a degree of breast enlargement. This may be alarming for the individual, particularly if it is very obvious. It may affect life style and social interaction as a result of embarrassment amongst their peers. Usually reassurance is all that is required as the condition is usually self limiting. Occasionally the gynaecomastia is a consequence of a hormone producing tumour, particularly testicular tumour, and this needs to be excluded. Physical examination, a blood test and chest X-ray make up my screening policy for such individuals.
Gynaecomastia may also be seen in the elderly, as a consequence of increased hormone conversion in fat. It is also associated with certain drugs, including marijuana.
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